Sunday, June 24, 2012

Enabling SSL On Weblogic 11g

Please follow the below steps to enable SSL in weblogic 11g

1) Open Weblogic console in browser and login
2) Click on Enviornment
3) Click on Servers
4) Click on Admin Server
5) Select General tab
6) Check "SSL Listen Port Enabled"
7) Change the SSL Listen Port if you want
8) Click on save button

No restart id needed and now SSL has been enabled in weblogic.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Web services or stored procedure or both

I found two very good articles/blogs covering the debate between the use of web services and stored procedures (or both)

You must also read the comments to see the arguments in favor of the author and against him.

Login bug in PL/SQl Developer version

Today I encountered this very strange problem on PL/SQL (The version number is mentioned) , I kept the same PL/SQL window open for many hours and I was randomly connecting to production and  test databases.

OK , At one point of time I was connecting  to the test database and was trying to run an update query for a table for which I have the update rights , it was giving me insufficient privileges error (very strange) .
The only case where I should be getting this error is when I am trying to do it on production (because I don't have rights there) , So I rechecked and made it sure that I was connected to Testing.

I also checked for any column level roles defined for that table but there were no such roles defined for the column I wanted to update.

Then I ran the same query on one of my colleague's machine (of course using my login id on test) surprisingly the record got updated.

It looks like a bug in PL\SQL where it was  showing me that I am connected to test database , in reality it was connected to the production database (because I was using the same PL/SQL to connect to test and production simultaneously). And it could be very harmful for the cases where somebody has rights on both the test and production databases and while doing testing he accidentally insert/update or delete a record on production.

The safest way I found is to log off all your sessions before you are going to login to any database instance.
This option is available in PL/SQL  tool bar ---> Session --> Log Off --> ALL.